Need some additional help with Conditional Formatting or have other questions about Excel? Connect with a live Excel expert here for some 1 on 1 help. All those cells will be highlighted which are greater than equal to a set value of 90.

This formula will check all the active cells in the selected range and will test each cell value against the set value in cell $I$6. Choose Format > Fill > Dark Blue color to preview and press OK. Material learned in this course may not apply to Excel for Mac. INDIRECT (VLOOKUP (B2,INDIRECT (VLOOKUP (A2. This course builds on 'Excelling at Excel: The FUNdamentals.' Software: This class is taught using Microsoft Excel 2016 on our lab PCs, but the content applies to Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 for Windows. Here is the data validation formula in cell C2. Just create a lookup table for each of the secondary lists, and an item list for each of those secondary codes. Click on “ New Rule” and click on “Use a formula to determine….” and enter following formula in Edit Rule Description window. You could even add a third drop down list that is dependent on the selections in the first two. In this example, cells C5:G10 is selected, From the Home tab, click the Conditional Formatting selection. You can conditionally highlight the cells which are greater than or equal to set a value using customer-formula rule. To close the Format cells window click Ok, the cells with values greater than 90 would be colored dark blue as you choose the color format. To drop down the list for formats click Custom Format, click the Fill tab, and click on the blue dark fill color that you want. In the Greater Than window, you have to delete the value that appears in the box, and then select the cell reference, in this example $I$6, or input specific value that is the lowest limit for you. On the Excel Ribbon’s Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, to format the values greater than a specific one, select Highlight Cells Rules and then choose the option Greater Than. Turns dark Blue if it contains a value greater than equal to 90.Turns dark Blue if it contains a value greater than 90.In the example below, you will set conditional formatting so that a cell: Use conditional highlighting to highlight cells less than or greater than a value Apply the Total cell style to cells A7:E7 9. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7 d. Enter a SUM function in cell B7 to calculate the total of cells B4:B6 c. Calculate total sales for each of the truck locations. This tutorial will show you how with several illustrated examples. SIMnet 2016: Excel 2016 Capstone Project Level 3 (Mac 2016) 3 P a g e Last Modified: 8. If you want to highlight cells based on a value as criteria, then you can use conditional formatting by using a built-in rule and a custom formula.